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Timescales for a Staying Put Arrangement Chart

Timescales for a Staying Put Arrangement Chart

  Action Purpose When Who (lead)
1. Commence Needs Assessment To inform pathway plan Commence before young person's 16th birthday Social worker
2. Arrange Staying Put Meeting To establish the viability and likelihood of a staying put arrangement occurring. Within 3 months of young person's 16th birthday Social worker/Supervising social worker
3. Confirm potential staying put arrangement Inform the team manager and fostering manager if a staying put arrangement has been identified. Following Staying Put meeting Social worker/Supervising social worker
4. Needs Assessment Inform pathway plan Complete before a young person is 16 years 3 months Social worker
5. LAC review Discuss timescales for the arrangement and monitoring progress LAC review after young person is aged 16 years 3 months ( and every subsequent LAC review) IRO
6. Staying Put meeting Identify all tasks required to extend the fostering arrangement into a staying put arrangement Prior to a young person's 17th birthday Social worker/Supervising social worker
7. Staying Put meeting Review progress and ensure any final arrangements and requirements are in place. When the young person reaches the age of 17 years 6 months Social worker/Supervising social worker
8. Staying Put Arrangement meeting Complete written agreement Prior to young person's final LAC review. Social worker/Supervising social worker
9. Pathway plan review Review progress of pathway plan Within 28 days following young person's 18th birthday (and subsequently every 6 months, or earlier) Personal Adviser (PA)
10. Ending a staying put arrangement Arrange planning meeting Where applicable PA/Supervising social worker

Last Updated: December 19, 2023
