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Needs Assessment and Content of Pathway Plans for Relevant and Former Relevant Young People

Needs Assessment and Content of Pathway Plans for Relevant and Former Relevant Young People

  Dimensions of Need Plan to include


Health and Development

  • Use of primary healthcare services;
  • Arrangements for the young person's medical and dental care;
  • Use of primary healthcare services;
  • Arrangements so that young person understands the actions they can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • Opportunities to enjoy and achieve and take part in positive leisure activities.


Education, Training and Employment

  • Statement of the young person's aspirations and career ambitions and actions and support to achieve this;
  • Access to careers advice;
  • Education objectives and support – continue to use the young person's Personal Education Plan;
  • Arrangements to support the child in further education and/or higher education;
  • Support to enable suitably qualified children to enter apprenticeships, make applications to university or gain necessary qualifications;
  • Arrangements for work experience, career mentoring or pathways into employment etc.


Emotional and Behavioural Development

  • How the authority will assist the young person to develop self-esteem and maintain positive attachments;
  • Does the young person display self esteem, resilience and confidence;
  • Assessment of their capacity to empathise with others, reason and take appropriate responsibility for their own actions;
  • Capacity to make attachments and appropriate relationships; show appropriate emotion; adapt to change, manage stress and show self control and appropriate self awareness.



  • How the authority intends to meet any of the child's needs arising from their ethnicity, religious persuasion, sexual orientation;
  • How does the young person understand their identity stemming from being a child in care and a care leaver;
  • How the authority will assist the young person to obtain key documents linked to confirming their age and identity.


Family and Social Relationships

  • Assessment of the young person's relationship with their parents and wider family;
  • Contact with family – carried across from care plan;
  • Young person's relationship with peers, friendship network and significant adults. Strategy to improve any negative features of these relationships;
  • How all these relationships will contribute to the young person making a successful transition to adulthood and how they will assist with integration into the community that they identify with.


Practical and other skills necessary for independent living

  • The young person is adequately prepared with the full range of practical skills they will need to manage the next planned move towards greater independence;
  • The young person is adequately prepared for taking greater responsibility as they are expected to manage more independently.


Financial Arrangements

  • Assessment of care leaver's financial needs and their financial capability. Does the young person have a bank account, national insurance number, and appreciate the value of regular saving etc. Do they have access to financial support and adequate income to meet necessary expenses?
  • Pathway plan must include a statement of how the authority proposes to maintain a relevant young person, the arrangements in place for the child to receive financial support and contingency plans;
  • Statement of financial assistance to be provided to a former relevant young person.


(Suitability of ) Accommodation

  • An assessment of the quality of accommodation where the young person is living / any accommodation under consideration for them to live in;
  • How far is this suitable to the full range of the young person's needs?
  • What steps might need to be taken to improve it? (Schedule 2 of the Care Leavers Regulations).

Last Updated: December 19, 2023
